This replica of the P-51B Mustang is designed for quick and easy construction and printed using a combination of regular PLA and lightweight PLA (LW-PLA). Designed to suit the 3548 900kv motor this model has a significant amount of power and is happy to cruise around at 40% power thanks to its lightweight yet sturdy construction. Utilizing up to 8 channels; Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder,Throttle, Flaps, Landing gear and Gear doors, this model is sure to turn some heads at the local flying field. Links to components used can be found on the last page of the user guide.
Scale features:
- air intake
- merlin exhaust
- panel and hatch lines
- radiator intake and servo-operated radiator exit door
- retracts with sequenced gear doors
- armament racks with bolt on 250lb bombs (drop tanks coming soon)
- flaps
Handy features:
removable wing - the wing is held on with x3 nylon bolts for ease of transport.
removable tail surfaces - vertical and horizontal stabilizers are held on with m2 screws so they can be removed for transport or if needing to be changed.
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