This is a Flite Test Simple Stick 3D Printed Fuselage. The Fuselage is designed to be printed on a mid size Printer - 300mm X 300mm X 400mm. The files include the Fuselage - Front, Middle and Aft. Also included, are the main landing gear and a bracket for a steerable tailwheel. The fuselage is designed to fit any 35mm Diameter sized motor. I have flown this with a 35-36 1100 and 1800KV motors. The fuselage tail section has an arrow shaft that joins the Aft and Mid sections together. The Front and Mid Sections are held together with 3mm X 500mm Carbon Fiber Rod. There are two Hatches. One on top for the battery and one on the bottom for the 9G servos - not included. The fuselage parts are printed from ABS, but can be printed from other material - PLA or PETG. The landing gear can be bolted with 6mm nylon bolts or glued. The wing is intended to be hot glued onto the fuselage. The hatches require 8mm X 2mm magnets for a total of 8.
The following settings are as follows for Simplify 3D printing ABS:
100 percent infill
Nozzle Diameter .40
Extrusion Multiplier .90
Extrusion width .42
Retraction distance .8
Extra Restart Distance .12
Retraction Vertical lift .20
Retraction Speed 1800mm/min
Coasting Distance .20
wipe distance 2.0
Primary Extruder
Top Solid Layers 3
Bottom Solid Layers 3
Side Solid Layers 2
Outline Direction - Inside Out
First Layer Height 90 %
First Layer Width 106 %
First Layer Speed 50 %
Extruder 255 degrees C
Bed Temperature 110 C
Speeds 3000mm/ min